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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

my english class!

Hello friends!!

...well, this is my last post and is about my English class: my english class this year is in other place, before the english class was in the campus north (independencia street) , and now is in Quinta Normal, for my classmates this is terrible, because is very far from home but for my this is PERFECT! because I live in this community.

English is very important for the life, for the future work, and with English I could work in another country, learn about other customs, learn other techniques about topics of my future profession, the english every day is used more in all areas of knowledge and human development, is the universal language!!

-The benefits of blogging in the English class:
The benefits of blogging in the english class are that is a different way of learning english, is very good because we learn many new vocabulary, we learn to write better, and the best is that I can learn, writing about topics that I can choose and this is very interesting and amusing, for example I wrote about my favorite music group (Coldplay) and about the atmospheric pollution

-The disadvantages of blogging in the English class:
The disadvantages of blogging in the english class are than we do not have much time in the computer room and this increases the homework...

Well, this is my post, I hope you like it, because it is my last post... See you !

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Air pollution

Today I am going to talk about the air pollution...
Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the natural environment into the atmosphere. The atmosphere is a complex dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support life on planet Earth. Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air pollution has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth's ecosystems. Pollutants can be classified as either primary or secondary. Usually, primary pollutants are substances directly emitted from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, the carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released from factories.
Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly. Rather, they form in the air when primary pollutants react or interact. An important example of a secondary pollutant is ground level ozone, one of the many secondary pollutants that make up photochemical smog.
Major primary pollutants produced by human activity are carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides(SOx), nitrogen oxides(NOx), dioxide carbon (CO2) and volatile organic compounds.
The increased in the atmospheric pollution causes damage in the pulmonary function and heart attacks, affects to the people with asthma. With the air pollution the most affects are the elderly and the childrens. the results are alarming!! 2.4 million people die each year from causes directly attributable to air pollution, with 1.5 million of these deaths attributable to indoor air pollution.

There are various air pollution control technologies and land use planning strategies available to reduce air pollution; the solution is in our hands

Awaiting for your comments and opinions about this topic that is important for health of all people!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

my favorite band of music

Hi classmates ! well, today mi post is about the my favorite band of music: Coldplay, this is a British band of alternative rock; the group is formed for four members: Chris Martin (the vocalist), Jon Buckland, Guy Berryman,Will Champion .

I started to listen this group of music when
I was at school, my sister had in his cell a song of coldplay for calls, and one day I listened this song and I loved !!!, so I asked to my sister that group was and she said Coldplay and then she showed me a lot of songs of this group and I showed it to my classmates, they loved them too !!!! well and from there I started listening this group (My love).

The music of this band is romantic and reflects many emotions with doubts, fears, hopes and loves. Since the early years of its existence as a band, Coldplay has donated ten percent of their income for charity, this speaks very well about the values of the band, also Coldplay supported the campaign Meat Free Food Monday, this was initiated by Sir Paul McCartney and this campaign aims to reduce global warming not eating meat one day a week; It also showed their support for earthquake victims occurred in Chile on 27 February 2010 with a message…

My favorite album of this fabulous band is “X&Y”, with the known composition "
Speed of Sound” this song talk about every chance that you get is a chance you seize and how long before you decide before I know what it feels like, others songs are fix you and talk !

I hope that you enjoy my post!See you soon!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Education and prevention

Hi classmates!...well, today I will write about the prevention and education in the health.

The prevention is the most important to avoid diseases, improve the health of people, and reduce the mortality. In the issues of sexuality the prevention is important for example to prevent cervical cancer in women, in this case the midwife is fundamental because the midwife must provide information about different diseases, mechanisms of transmission, how to prevent the spread, and the impact of the sexually transmitted diseases for the patient…“The condoms reduce your chances of getting HPV (which causes cervical cancer) but it does not protect all the time. HPV can be contracted through direct contact with infected sores or genital skin of normal appearance”

Other example for educate individuals, families and the community is inform to the community that the lung cancer is associated directly with the smoking and this cancer is the most common cancer in the world.

The pneumonia is another disease that is preventable in the community through healthy Lifestyles, report about the disease, report about the vaccine, report on hygienic behaviors (washing hands, covering coughs with the forearm), and isolation of users with pneumonia.

A very important disease for the midwives is the VIH and is very important inform to the community about the prevention, for example “Always than you have sexual intercourse should be used properly condoms as a preventive method” or “you must not sharing injecting equipment carries a high risk of infection” … and if an HIV + woman decides to get pregnant need to take into account that will be a risky pregnancy…

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gender roles in health care

First make the case for gender discrimination: the gender discrimination or sexism is a social problem, "Gender" describes the roles, functions, rights and responsibilities established by society and that communities and societies consider appropriate for both men and women. Throughout the world, both women and men work. However, women's roles are socially invisible (unless taken into account, we talk much less of them, taken for granted). However the gender roles in health care of my career the focused are on women and the focused are not on men.

I believe that male and female midwives are trained to perform the various tasks that are needed because men and women receive the same education college. I think being midwife man has many positive aspects, because many women with sexuality issues feel more confident with men than with women,women feel that men midwives attend them more emotionally than a woman midwives; there are also aspects that are detrimental to men midwivesmany women feel shame, women feel shy and embarrassed... so I think that I can do to reduce gender problems in my career with information and confidence...


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is the notebook because the notebook is a indispensable tool for the work of the university, to study classes. I started to use the computer when I was about ten years old, because my sister was looking for information, I could not use a computer but my sister taught me to occupy. Now I use the notebook every day of my life because with the notebook I can access to information from anywhere. Before entering to the university I had not the notebook but when pass the time the notebook was a necessity and I buy one. I can not imagine the life without a notebook because my notebook has all the photos, all the videos, I can hear music, to all the information for my studies, I can bring a presentation, connect a projector because the notebook is small, portable, lightweight and with the notebook I agree to the messenger and so I can talk to my friends, so the communication is the foundation of all to understand each other, exchange ideas, get to know...we can communicate with people from other countries"Without moving the desktop" and now can covers topics formerly tabut in society.

I love my notebook!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My decision to be a midwife

I feel that my decision to be a midwife is the right one because the midwives are health professionals who care for women at all stages of their life cycle. The midwives accompanying women in the most important stage of the life of a woman: the pregnancy

When my daughter was born, I was attended by midwives, but this was a bad experience for me, but my experience was bad with all the health professionals who were with me at that time. The professional ethics should be health professionals with patients did not exist. With all that I lived at that time, I form a very critical thinking about the Chilean health system existing at that time, and I decided to train as a high quality professional and I want to give all my patients quality care; I want to give a care without discrimination, a care that shows sensitivity, commitment, empathy.

The midwives must meet all the interests of patients and the midwives must tell people is that these users feel safe, and so all the fears of patients will be reduced to the extent that the consolidation of the health professional relationship of trust and patient. The midwife is a companion impresindible, I believe that our job as midwives is hard and full of responsibility. The midwives know that birth is a life and a unique event for each person, therefore, one of the most important roles of us is to restore the prominence of women, the father and the family...