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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Education and prevention

Hi classmates!...well, today I will write about the prevention and education in the health.

The prevention is the most important to avoid diseases, improve the health of people, and reduce the mortality. In the issues of sexuality the prevention is important for example to prevent cervical cancer in women, in this case the midwife is fundamental because the midwife must provide information about different diseases, mechanisms of transmission, how to prevent the spread, and the impact of the sexually transmitted diseases for the patient…“The condoms reduce your chances of getting HPV (which causes cervical cancer) but it does not protect all the time. HPV can be contracted through direct contact with infected sores or genital skin of normal appearance”

Other example for educate individuals, families and the community is inform to the community that the lung cancer is associated directly with the smoking and this cancer is the most common cancer in the world.

The pneumonia is another disease that is preventable in the community through healthy Lifestyles, report about the disease, report about the vaccine, report on hygienic behaviors (washing hands, covering coughs with the forearm), and isolation of users with pneumonia.

A very important disease for the midwives is the VIH and is very important inform to the community about the prevention, for example “Always than you have sexual intercourse should be used properly condoms as a preventive method” or “you must not sharing injecting equipment carries a high risk of infection” … and if an HIV + woman decides to get pregnant need to take into account that will be a risky pregnancy…


  1. Hi Camila!!! As you are writting, I think that as midwives we have a lot of responsability related with the prevention of many diseases. See you tomorrow bye bye

  2. Hi cami!!
    I you have reason, because the prevention is important for to identify the risk groups and a future to do a education.
    Very interesting!!!

  3. Hello Camila
    I agree with you that, educating about the disease, we maintain the health of persons and avoid possible deaths
    see you soon =)

  4. Hello Camila,

    I agree with you in that:
    - the prevention reduce the mortality, and I want to add that furthermore reduce the morbidity, and
    - The midwife is fundamental, because if It were not, the women and newborn will be very deficient and this will generate increase of morbi-mortality rates.

    See you soon.

